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About Whits Tips

Whits Tips has been around since 2002 and trained over 4000 people and has a 100% pass rate. Some of the places we have trained are listed under the Clients tab, and more can be found on our Facebook page. A total list plus references can be listed upon request as there are so many its overwhelming to put them all down in this paragraph about us. Senator Hillary Clinton, and Senator Charles Schumer have even thanked us for our service to the community, and we have been featured in magazines & newspapers in several states.

We have worked in the bar industry since 1999 and have firsthand knowledge how TIPS can improve the workplace, and also stimulate business and staff camaraderie. Along with this knowledge we are able to tell stories from a behind the scene view, and show how TIPS helped out and can help out in many different situations. We believe in training with laughter and class participation. There is nothing worse than sitting in a room for hours just learning.
The main difference that sets us apart is the fact we care about the places we train and check in from time to time.  At the end of every session every participant knows how to get a hold of us in case they have questions, comments or concerns.  We truly care about what we do, and that comes across in our sessions.
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